Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's new?

This summer has been busy! Zoe is growing like a weed and she makes my heart smile every day. I'm definitely getting this mom thing down. :) Ty has been playing softball on a city league team here in Moses Lake with my brother, Josh. He loves getting out of the house and doing something active and competitive with other guys. I've noticed he's been so much happier since he's been playing. I love to go and watch and cheer him on. I'm probably one of the loudest wives there, it's the competitiveness in me!! My training for the triathlon in August is going well. Today I ran 3 miles. This is no little thing for me. I've always been one to workout but never have I ran that much during one workout. Even though I was exhausted at the end, I couldn't stop smiling. I was so proud of myself for finishing. I know that's how I'm going to feel when I finish the Tri. I never imagined I would be able to do something this big, but now I know if you set your mind to something and work hard, you can do anything! (That sounds totally cheezy I know, but so true) Ty got me an SLR Canon camera and I've been taking pictures like crazy. Here are a few pictures of what our summer has been like. Oh & I got some hair extensions put in by my friend Brittany Marlatt yesterday, I absolutely love them! She did an amazing job.

Crazy brother!

This is our babysitter, Makenna Hirz, Zoe loves her!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer 2010

She's grabbing everything & putting everything in her mouth!

This picture was at Ty's softball tournament, she loves being outside!

I really don't know what to say about this one...haha

I love this picture! Zoe's smiling so big now.