This post is supposed to be about how awesome I did in my triathlon. Unfortunately, I wasn't even able to do it. All last week I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded. It kept getting worse and worse. By Thursday morning I was barely able to stand up and get ready. My hands were shaky and vision was kinda hazy. I tried to get out of the house and run some errands but by the time I got in the car and started driving I felt worse. I went to the walk-in and, of course, they wouldn't even see me. They told me I needed to go the ER. Ugh! So I packed Zoe back up and went to the hospital.
They ran a bunch of tests and determined that I had severe dehydration. I felt a bit better after they pumped 2 bags of fluid into me, but still felt yucky. I think the worst part was knowing how close I had gotten to my goal of completing a triathlon. All that hard work and this is what happens... Well, I'm sure you guessed it. I didn't get to compete after all.
If my body allows, I will definitely be competing in not just one but a few next year.
Wish me luck!!